"off the map"

was released in partnership with


The collection comprised of 505 unique pieces.

Blind mint.

price was .25 sol per mint.

SOLD OUT March 22, 2024

You can purchase on secondary via

Tensor & Magic Eden.

The Story

The project ‘off the map’ was born out of exploration into new tech. I’ve been an artist for as long as i can remember. I’ve specifically focused on photography since joining the crypto art scene in the middle of 2021. If you’ve known me throughout my whole journey, thank you & to the new ones welcome, it’s my pleasure.
We live in a truly remarkable times. A place where the physical world & tech are colliding at an unprecedented speed. AI has fascinated me for a while. So one day I started playing with Midjourney, but honestly nothing really spoke to me. I continued doing my research, watching youtube videos, bouncing creations off friends & family. 
In photography i had a plethora of photos from doing Hipcamp & Airbnb shoots.
As well, I had a lot of cool color, light, and bokeh concepts from the many dashboard shots i’ve taken over the years. The feeling of ‘ loneliness’ had always been a subject matter that drew me in, and kickstarted the creative juices flowing in my photography work.
The process with which ‘off the map’ was born in retrospect was simple & happenstance. I had narrowed down my text prompts to garner a narrow very specific set of outputs. I had then blended them with some of my photography. I used photoshop to cleaned them up.
I finally put them into Lightroom where i was able to color correct &  add texture. By the end (start!) of my creative AI journey on this project I had about 15 ‘off the map’ editing presets.

The point of this AI journey was very simple. I had seen a lot of controversy about whether the tech should be accepted or not. Some felt it was cheating. Others felt it could be used to better their own art process. I wanted to find out for myself what it was all about. After my own journey, I found that AI is indeed a tool. Yes some can simply share, mint, and sell outputs. Like anything when collecting art you have to do your own research on the artist and their process. I for one will always be a proponent of trying new things and man did I have fun!

What is the meaning behind ‘off the map’? I’m sure every one, at some point, wants to get away. This is a series of tiny homes/cabins set in a dreamworld on the solana blockchain. it was inspired by that feeling of loneliness I spoke of before. If you mint, it’ll be like booking your own blockchain getaway!

Thanks for reading this far. Here’s a little taste of what’s to come!